Nude photo in large format - aesthetic erotic pictures
A nude undoubtedly radiates an incredible amount of eroticism. Nevertheless, the sexy images have nothing to do with pornography. Nude pictures do indeed depict the unclothed human body, but in an artistic-aesthetic way in the case of female and male nudes, which suggests more than directly shows, as is the case with pornographic photos. Erotic pictures are intended to stimulate the imagination, which is achieved even with the partial concealment of body parts in nude pictures.
Sensual nude photography as a mural
Nude murals live from allusions. They are sexy pictures of women or male nudes that live from the sensual, subtle depiction with subtle elegance. Each nude photo invites you to perceive the human body in all its beauty in an artistically sophisticated way. Be inspired by the nude models in our murals: You are guaranteed to find your favorite motif with a sexy pose.
The nude in historical art
The great painters and sculptors of all eras have always turned to nude art. The female nude is somewhat more common than the male nude. A modern nude is no exception in this respect. This is perhaps because a female nude is considered more elegant and, in classical terms, more beautiful. However, a rough balance between male and female nudes can be found in ancient Greek art.
The oldest known nude is the figure of Venus of Willendorf, which was probably created around 27,000 years ago. From this forerunner of erotic art, a wide arc leads to modern black and white nude photography and to any nude picture, which can be a reclining nude, a male nude poster or a female nude in black and white.
Why is the nude poster in black and white so popular?
Although pictures with eroticism are a completely natural representation, they should be artistically exaggerated. This is best achieved with the black and white nude picture. In this way, nude photography acquires the status of a work of art, which absolves the nude image of any pornographic suspicion. After all, despite all open-mindedness, erotic nudes in your own home are a relatively personal matter.
This is all the more true when a nude picture hangs in the bedroom. Again, we have to look to history to understand this fact properly. The depiction of the human body has a lot to do with social customs, which in Europe were shaped by the Catholic Church. It is well known that this is not the case in other cultures. There are indigenous peoples in tropical rainforests who, for practical reasons alone, cover their genitals at best because of the climate there.
Discover erotic nudes
Are you looking for nude pictures of women or a beautiful male nude and want to purchase these pictures with sexy poses in XXL format? Take a look around with us. You can get canvas pictures with female nudes and male nudes, but also high-gloss nude pictures on acrylic glass, silk-matt erotic pictures on Aludibond and , of course, classic nude pictures on canvas. Each nude stimulates the imagination and allows for various interpretations. At the same time, the sexy pictures reveal something about the relationship between the photographer and his nude model. This could have been full of tension, but also purely artistic. The sexy women's pictures in Playboy are said to have been taken predominantly by female photographers.