The abstract aluminium passe-partout picture "All of the Colors Blue" is from the remaining stock of this production line and is no longer produced.
It shows circular layers of colour. The colours are in various shades of blue and pastel. Bring a touch of freshness and tranquillity into your home with this picture, whether in the living room, bedroom or office.
The nature aluminium passe-partout picture "Morgentau IV" in
50 × 50 cm
comes from the remaining stock of this production line and is no longer produced. The flower picture is mounted floating on the anthracite-coloured aluminium passe-partout and is in mint condition.
The natural aluminium passe-partout picture "Morning dew" in 50 × 50 cm
comes from the remaining stock of this production line and is no longer produced. The flower picture is mounted floating on the anthracite-coloured aluminium passe-partout and is in mint condition.
The "Porsche 911 02 II" 50 x 50 cm car aluminium passe-partout picture comes from the remaining stocks of this production line and is no longer manufactured. The portrait is mounted floating on a white aluminium passe-partout and is in mint condition.
The nature aluminium passe-partout picture "Sommerlaunen I" in
50 × 50 cm
comes from the remaining stock of this production line and is no longer produced. The flower picture is mounted floating on the anthracite-coloured aluminium passe-partout and is in mint condition.
The nature aluminium passe-partout picture "Sommerlaunen II" in 50 × 50 cm
comes from the remaining stock of this production line and is no longer produced. The flower picture is mounted floating on the anthracite-coloured aluminium passe-partout and is in mint condition.
The nature aluminium passe-partout picture "Wild poppy" in
50 × 50 cm
comes from the remaining stock of this production line and is no longer produced. The flower picture is mounted floating on the anthracite-coloured aluminium passe-partout and is in mint condition.
The natural aluminium passe-partout picture "Annemone II" in 50 x 65 cm
comes from the remaining stock of this production line and is no longer produced. The flower picture is mounted floating on the anthracite-coloured aluminium passe-partout and is in mint condition.
The nature aluminium passe-partout picture "Mountain meadow" in
50 × 65 cm
comes from the remaining stock of this production line and is no longer produced. The flower picture is mounted floating on the anthracite-coloured aluminium passe-partout and is in mint condition.
The natural aluminium passe-partout picture "Autumn light II" in 65 × 50 cm
comes from the remaining stock of this production line and is no longer produced. The flower picture is mounted floating on the anthracite-coloured aluminium passe-partout and is in mint condition.
The natural aluminium passe-partout picture "Rauhreife IV" in
65 × 50 cm comes from the remaining stock of this production line and is no longer produced. The flower picture is mounted floating on the anthracite-coloured aluminium passe-partout and is in mint condition.
The nature aluminium passe-partout picture "Sommerlaunen V" in
65 × 50 cm
comes from the remaining stock of this production line and is no longer produced. The flower picture is mounted floating on the anthracite-coloured aluminium passe-partout and is in mint condition.
The natural aluminium passe-partout picture "Wildwuchs" in
65 × 50 cm
comes from the remaining stock of this production line and is no longer produced. The flower picture is mounted floating on the anthracite-coloured aluminium passe-partout and is in mint condition.
The aluminium picture "Leopard 2" in 118 × 80 comes from an advertising campaign and is in mint condition. With this printing technique, the white part is not printed. In these areas, the coloured aluminium background shimmers through. Depending on the incidence of light, the picture sometimes shimmers a little lighter and sometimes a little darker. The picture is in mint condition.
The aluminium picture "Lioness 3" in 95 × 50 cm comes from a promotional campaign and is in mint condition.It shows an imposing lioness in the wild African landscape. It is in black and white. The mural goes well with an African-inspired interior design style. Bring a touch of wilderness into your home with this picture, whether in the living room, bedroom or office.
The abstract canvas painting 116 × 76 cm "Fast fun" is a custom-made product and is in mint condition.It radiates vibrant colours such as pink, blue, green and orange. Colourful, abstract shapes. Bring a touch of joy and vibrancy into your home with this picture, whether in the living room, bedroom or office.
The abstract canvas painting 116 × 76 "Lila" is a custom-made work and is in mint condition. It shows a modern, abstract painting in soft shades of purple and white. The composition, with its dynamic, blurred shapes and mirror effect reminiscent of a water reflection, conveys a sense of calm and contemplation. Bring a stylish and calming atmosphere into your home with this painting, whether in the living room, bedroom or office.
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